The statutes of the Citation Mustang Interest Group

Please note:
This is not an approved and legal binding translation.
For the original german version please follow this link.

§1 Name, domicile and fiscal year

The association carries the name "Citation Mustang Interest Group" short CMIG. He should not initially be entered in the club register and thus acts as an unregistered club. The club is based in Wuppertal.
The financial year of the association is the calendar year.

§ 2 Basics

The association is an association of owners, pilots, friends and supporters of the aircraft model Cessna Citation Mustang C510.

§ 3 Objective

The association pursues the operation as a membership target, the maintenance and maintenance of the aircraft model C510 in the sense of optimal operational readiness. The members of the association want to promote the understanding of the C510 as an exemplary realization of a technical idea. Further goals are in the field of flight operations in the broadest sense, the implementation of flight training and safety training, the general increase of flight safety and more aware, energy-efficient flying, as well as the promotion of young talent and the care of sport, tourism and social concerns.

§ 4 Tasks of the CMIG

To fulfill the tasks of the association, the work of the association focuses on the following points:

§ 5 Membership

The club has:

  1. Ordinary members
  2. Associate Members
  3. Honorary members
  4. Sponsoring members

§ 6 Inclusion of members

  1. An application for membership must be sent in writing to the Executive Board. In the case of limited business persons, especially minors, the application must also be signed by the legal representatives. These commit themselves - several jointly and severally - to the payment of the membership fees for the limited businessmen.
  2. By signing the application for admission, the applicant recognizes the statute of the association and expressly waives legal action against measures and decisions of the board and the general assembly. He also undertakes to actively promote the statutory purposes and goals of the association and to actively participate in the club's life.
  3. The application form is decided by the board at its own discretion. A tie is considered a refusal.
    If the application is rejected, the board is not obliged to inform the applicant of the reasons.

After admission, the membership begins with the payment of the admission fee and the contribution.

§ 7 Obligations of the members

When operating the aircraft, the members undertake to be professional. It is the task of the association to advise its members and, if in doubt, to make recommendations. The member calls the club known to him, cheap supply options for spare parts, etc. and passes on experience and tips for free.

§ 8 Contributions

The association collects contributions to cover the expenses necessary to fulfill the goals of the association. The association charges an admission fee of € 500,00 from all regular members.

The annual fee is in EURO for

When joining the club after 30.06. In the calendar year, half of the annual fee is charged for the current year.

The general meeting decides on the amount of the respective annual fee at the general meeting according to the current requirements for the following year. The annual fee must be paid by 15 March of the calendar year concerned. For the liabilities of the association, each member is liable for a maximum amount of his due annual contribution.

§ 9 End of membership


  1. Each member may declare his resignation by registered mail or email at the end of the calendar year. The notice of termination must be received by 30.9. be received by the board.
  2. With the expiry of the membership, all rights and claims to the association, its assets or its facilities expire.


The membership can be terminated by a full or extraordinary general meeting of the association with at least two-thirds majority of those present, if the member can be guilty of serious violations of purposes and goals of the association, its statute or grossly non-comradely conduct. Membership also ends if the member, despite a reminder, is in arrears for more than a quarter of a year with his contribution. The exclusion is the member to his last known address by letter or by e-mail to the
Club known e-mail address and is effective with the decision. Claims of the association to the member do not end with the end of the membership in the association. Otherwise, the provisions of § 10 (1b) apply.

§ 10 Organs of the association

The organs of the association are the general meeting and the executive committee.

§ 11 General Meeting of the Members

The General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association. The ordinary members' meeting generally takes place once a calendar year and is convened at least four weeks in advance by the association's spokesperson in writing (e-mail is permitted) or by publication on the website. All members present are entitled to vote with 1 vote each. The general meeting is chaired by the club spokesman. In the case of the election of a new club spokesman, the previous club spokesman hands over the leadership of the general assembly to his successor.

A report of the results of the General Assembly is to be made and made available to the members. The protocol must be signed by the protocol leader and the speaker. Applications can be submitted by any ordinary member. Applications must be received by the Board at least 8 days before the General Assembly. The Board of Directors decides on the admission of urgency applications, which have to be submitted to the Board of Directors at the latest before the beginning of the General Assembly, by a majority vote.

The General Assembly is responsible for the following agenda items:

§ 12 Extraordinary General Meetings

Extraordinary General Meetings are to be convened, stating the subject of the meeting, by decision of the Executive Committee, the Association's spokesperson or if at least two fifths of the members of the Association send a request in writing to the registered office of the Association. Invitations to the Extraordinary General Assembly are made by the Association Spokesman in writing with at least 14 calendar days' notice, stating the agenda. A report on the results of the Extraordinary General Assembly is also to be made and made known to the members. The protocol must be signed by the protocol leader and the speaker.

§ 13 Votes

Voting on applications is usually open (by show of hands). Elections are generally made in open vote by show of hands. The General Assembly can only unanimously decide to conduct a poll secretly. Each general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of voters present. It decides regularly a simple majority of votes. Simple majority means a majority of one vote more than half of the votes cast. Abstentions will be treated as non-cast votes, as well as invalid votes cast and - if ballot papers are used - unlabeled ballots. A tie is considered a refusal.

Two-thirds majority of the votes cast is required for decisions on:

  1. Amendments to the Articles of Association
  2. Applications for the dismissal of the Management Board or a member of the Management Board
  3. Dissolution of the association..

The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all votes unless expressly set to a different mode. Postal vote and power of attorney to vote are not provided for.

§ 14 Board

The board may only be formed by ordinary association members. The board consists of the club spokesman and the treasurer. As an associate, additional members can be elected. Each member of the Management Board undertakes to perform his duties with the necessary dedication and time. The club spokesman and the treasurer are individually authorized to represent each other in the external relationship. The board decides in all matters that are not subject to the resolution of the general meeting. He manages the entire activity of the association. The board members are elected by the general assembly for a term of 3 years. Re-election is possible without restriction. The term of office pays off from the general meeting to the corresponding general meeting.
The dismissal of the board or of individual members of the board can only take place upon request of more than two-thirds of the members who submit a vote of no confidence and receive a two-thirds majority in the general meeting. In addition, the club spokesman or each member of the board can resign at any time.
For prematurely departing members of the Executive Board, this office will be taken over in person from the remaining members of the Executive Board until the next election to the Executive Board.
An early election takes place if at least two thirds of the members of the Extraordinary General Assembly demand it, the general meeting does not grant discharge to the Executive Board or the department, or if the majority of the Executive Board requests it or resigns. The board can adopt rules of procedure.

§ 15 Auditors

The auditor is elected by the annual general meeting from among the members. His term is 2 years. He may not hold office on the board. Re-election is possible without restriction. The term of office pays off from the general meeting to the corresponding general meeting.

§ 16 Disclaimer

Members or participants, helpers, organizers, guests and family members take part in the events on their own risk. For all damage caused by them or the aircraft they use, they themselves bear the civil and criminal responsibility. Pilots must either own or hold the aircraft used in the event or expressly assume sole liability for any claims by the owner or keeper and irrevocably indemnify the club and organizers against such claims. It is not the duty of the club or the organizer to check whether a pilot is entitled to use the aircraft used by him for the event.
The association reserves the right at all events of the association the right to make any changes of an event ordered by force majeure or for security reasons or by the authorities or the persons responsible for the respective flight route or to cancel also an event.
The club is not liable for damages resulting from this and not for expenses due to changed event dates and locations or canceled events. The club is not liable for the correctness of technical evaluations, maintenance recommendations or other indications and assessments regarding maintenance and operation of the aircraft. Unless otherwise stated, such ratings and recommendations are to be understood as freedom of expression in the sense of press freedom. The club is liable to a maximum of its assets. The personal liability of its members is expressly excluded. The board is liable only for intent and gross negligence.

§ 17 Changes of the statutes

Requests for amendments to the statutes can not be made as urgent requests. They are examined by the board and presented to the general meeting. This decides by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the members present.

§ 18 Dissolution of the association

The dissolution of the association can only be decided on an extraordinary general meeting convened for this purpose or at the regular annual general meeting. The dissolution resolution requires the approval of a two-thirds majority of the members present. If the Extraordinary General Meeting is not quorate, then a subsequent General Meeting convened with statutory deadline is in each
Case, whereby the simple majority of the members present decides. This Extraordinary General Meeting (for the purpose of dissolution) determines the liquidator by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
If the assets are liquidated, all assets must be repaid to a body to be determined by the liquidator and recognized as charitable.

§ 19 Club Law

For items not regulated in these statutes the legal and official regulations apply.

§ 20 Place of fulfillment and place of jurisdiction

Place of performance and place of jurisdiction for all rights and obligations resulting from these statutes as well as all claims, demands and liabilities of the association is the registered office of the association.

Wuppertal, 29.September 2018